Offering to the Sangha Ceremony
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Offering to the Sangha Ceremony, Sunday August 18th 2002
Offering to the Sangha Ceremony is coming up on Sunday 18th August.

Offering to the Sangha Ceremony is a Buddhist tradition that has been celebrated by every Buddhist. It is a way to show respect for the Sangha (the reverends).

According to the Buddhist legends, there was an ascetic named Maudgalyayana. He was one of Buddha's great disciples who was known for his great psychic powers. One day while he was meditating, he decided to use his psychic powers to investigate the whereabouts of his deceased parents. He found out that his father was in Heaven while his mother was in hell. He was curious, so he asked the Buddha. The Buddha instructed Maudgalyayana to Offer the finest vegetarian food to the Sangha (Buddhist monks/nuns) every year on the 15th day of the 7th month of the lunar calendar in order to save his mother. The Buddha told Maudgalyayana that with his mighty psychic powers cannot save one's parents-due to their bad karma. With the efforts and good karma of the sangha, one's parents can be saved.

With hearing the Buddha's words of enlightenment, on the 15th day of the 7th month of the lunar calendar, Maudgalyayana offered the finest vegetarian food to the sangha.

This tradition has been carried down generation to generation among many Buddhists. Therefore that is why we are here to demonstrate this technique by performing a role-play improvising along the lines of this story.

Festival - Offering to Sangha

In the Buddha's time,  monks had to go alms begging for
food and often it  took a long time on travelling (by foot) . In result,
monks have less time for their own practice. The Ullambana Festival allows
people to make offerings (eg. food, clothing, etc) to the monks and nuns so that
they will have more time for their practice. Like previous years, Fo Guang Shan
Melbourne Temple will be celebrating the Ullambana Festival in August inviting
everyone to participate. There will be performances and offerings by members of
BLIA Victoria and BLIA-YAD Victoria to show their gratitude for the reverends'
constant support and guidance.

Division 1 & Generation 2 youth group in ACTION!!
Please come and join us for a perfomance by the Division 1 and Generation 2 youth group.

Details are as follows:
Date: Sunday 18th August, 2002
Where: Fo Guang Shan Melbourne Temple,
Yarraville. -In Main Shrine.
Time: 10am till 12:30pm
Cost: FREE, donation welcome!!

*** You are more than welcome to join us for a Delicious course of vegetarian lunch**

Copyright of the BLIAYAD Generation 2 Youth Group