IBYC 2001- International Buddhist Youth Conference
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2001 BLIAYAD 5th World Youth Conference @ Malaysia
In the year 2001, the fifth YAD (Young Adult Division) conference was held at Malaysia from 28th December till 1st January.

Members of the Generation 2 Youth group-Hwa Fern, Tracey, Walter and Brian and the leading reverend of the youth group: Reverend Miao Shi, attended the BLIA-YAD 5th World Conference at Malaysia. In the span of five days, Buddhist youths from all parts of the world gathered in Malaysia. The conference served as both a place of Buddhist learning as well as opportunities to broaden social horizons.

The first day was of the conference was overwhelming yet exciting. The Venerable Master, Venerable Master Hsing Yun and other special guests conducted the opening ceremony. The atmosphere was grand and magnificent, and when we arrived at the conference, we marvelled at the amount of hard work and time that the local Malaysian Buddhist youths had put into the conference set-up. We were touched by their efforts for making us feel so welcomed.
From the first lecture by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, he acknowledged that from the theme"Hand in Hand, We Become”our hands carry out certain actions of kindness towards people we encounter:

  • With greetings we make contact

  • With a handshake we give thanks

  • With a handshake we establish friendship

  • Hand in Hand we move forward together

  • Overall from Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s lecture, often we feel that people usually underestimate the power of us youths. We are often overlooked in the society, but we are the ones that are most capable of working together as a unity, and together we too can be powerful and important. We, as young adults, feel that the Venerable Master understands our situation and therefore he commenced the YAD conferences annually as an opportunity for Buddhist youths to gather from around the world and become united. Being united we will, in the future, be capable of sharing the teachings of Buddhism with other youths we encounter.

    For the next few days at Malaysia the Melbourne youths travelled around Malaysia's HOT SPOTS for fun and entertainment. Many photos were taken and many friendships were made. Overall, this conference was the most outstanding conference that we’ve been to. Hopefully the others will be able to attend the next conference in the future.

    By: Tracey, Hwa Fern and Shuk Chen

    Photo: L to R- Mango, Brian, Reverend Shi, Hwa Fern, Walter and Tracey.

    Copyright of the BLIAYAD Generation 2 Youth Group